.. toctree:: :hidden: Local Resources =============== All the resources in BigML can be downloaded and used afterwards locally, with no connection whatsoever to BigML's servers. This is specially important for all Supervised and Unsupervised models, that can be used to generate predictions in any programmable device. The next sections describe how to do that for each type of resource, but as a general rule, resources can be exported to a JSON file in your file system using the ``export`` method. .. code-block:: python api.export('model/5143a51a37203f2cf7000956', 'filename': 'my_dir/my_model.json') The contents of the generated file can be used just as the remote model to generate predictions. As you'll see in next section, the local ``Model`` object can be instantiated by giving the path to this file as first argument: .. code-block:: python from bigml.model import Model local_model = Model("my_dir/my_model.json") local_model.predict({"petal length": 3, "petal width": 1}) Iris-versicolor These bindings define a particular class for each type of Machine Learning model that is able to interpret the corresponding JSON and create the local predictions. The classes can be instantiated using: - The ID of the resource: In this case, the class looks for the JSON information of the resource first locally (expecting to find a file in the local storage directory --``./storage`` by default -- whose name is the ID of the model after replacing ``/`` by ``_``) and also remotely if absent. .. code-block:: python from bigml.model import Model from bigml.api import BigML local_model = Model('model/502fdbff15526876610002615') - A dictionary containing the resource information. In this case, the class checks that this information belongs to a finished resource and contains the attributes needed to create predictions, like the fields structure. If any of these attributes is absent, retrieves the ID of the model and tries to download the correct JSON from the API to store it locally for further use. .. code-block:: python from bigml.anomaly import Anomaly from bigml.api import BigML api = BigML() anomaly = api.get_anomaly('anomaly/502fdbff15526876610002615', query_string='only_model=true;limit=-1') local_anomaly = Anomaly(anomaly) - A path to the file that contains the JSON information for the resource. In this case, the file is read and the same checks mentioned above are done. If any of these checks fails, it tries to retrieve the correct JSON from the API to store it locally for further use. .. code-block:: python from bigml.logistic import LogisticRegression local_logistic_regression = LogisticRegression('./my_logistic.json') Internally, these classes need a connection object (``api = BigML(storage="./storage")``) to: - Set the local storage in your file system. - Download the JSON of the resource if the information provided is not the full finished resource content. Users can provide the connection as a second argument when instantiating the class, but if they do and want the resource to be available locally, the connection object must be created with an ``storage`` setting: .. code-block:: python from bigml.cluster import Cluster from bigml.api import BigML local_cluster = Cluster('cluster/502fdbff15526876610002435', api=BigML(my_username, my_api_key storage="my_storage")) If no connection is provided, a default connection will be instantiated internally. This default connection will use ``./storage`` as default storage directory and the credentials used to connect to the API when needed are retrieved from the ``BIGML_USERNAME`` and ``BIGML_API_KEY`` environment variables. If no credentials are found in your environment, any attempt to download the information will raise a condition asking the user to set these variables. If a connection with no ``storage`` information is provided, then the models will never be stored in your local file system, and will be retrieved from BigML's API each time the local model is instantiated. Ensembles and composite objects, like Fusions, need more than one resource to be downloaded and stored locally for the class to work. In this case, the class needs all the component models, so providing only a local file or a dictionary containing the JSON for the resource is not enough for the ``Ensemble`` or ``Fusion`` objects to be fully instantiated. If you only provide that partial information, the class will use the internal API connection the first time to download the components. However, using the ``api.export`` method for ensembles or fusions will download these component models for you and will store them in the same directory as the file used to store the ensemble or fusion information. After that, you can instantiate the object using the path to the file where the ensemble or fusion information was stored. The class will look internally for the rest of components in the same directory and find them, so no connection to the API will be done. If you use a tag to label the resource, you can also ask for the last resource that has the tag: .. code-block:: python api.export_last('my_tag', resource_type='ensemble', 'filename': 'my_dir/my_ensemble.json') and even for a resource inside a project: .. code-block:: python api.export_last('my_tag', resource_type='dataset', project='project/5143a51a37203f2cf7000959', 'filename': 'my_dir/my_dataset.json') Local Datasets -------------- You can instantiate a local version of a dataset so that you can reproduce its transformations to generate new fields using Flatline expressions. .. code-block:: python from bigml.dataset import Dataset local_dataset = Dataset('dataset/502fdbff15526876610003215') This will retrieve the remote dataset information, using an implicitly built ``BigML()`` connection object (see the `Authentication <#authentication>`_ section for more details on how to set your credentials) and return a Dataset object that will be stored in the ``./storage`` directory. If you want to use a specific connection object for the remote retrieval or a different storage directory, you can set it as second parameter: .. code-block:: python from bigml.dataset import Dataset from bigml.api import BigML local_dataset = Dataset('dataset/502fdbff15526876610003215', api=BigML(my_username, my_api_key, storage="my_storage")) or even use the remote dataset information previously retrieved to build the local dataset object: .. code-block:: python from bigml.dataset import Dataset from bigml.api import BigML api = BigML() dataset = api.get_dataset('dataset/502fdbff15526876610003215', query_string='limit=-1') local_dataset = Dataset(dataset) As you can see, the ``query_string`` used to retrieve the dataset is ``limit=-1``, which avoids the pagination of fields that is used by default and includes them all at once. These details are already taken care of in the two previous examples, where the dataset ID is used as argument. You can also build a local dataset from a dataset previously retrieved and stored in a JSON file: .. code-block:: python from bigml.dataset import Dataset local_dataset = Dataset('./my_dataset.json') Adding new properties to an existing dataset is achieved by defining some expressions based on the fields of a previously existing origin dataset. The expressions are written using the ``Flatline`` language. These transformations are stored in a ``new_fields`` attribute and the ``Dataset`` object will store them, if available. That information can be used to reproduce the same transformations using new inputs. Of course, the fields in the input data to be transformed are expected to match the fields structure of the dataset that was used as origin to create the present one. .. code-block:: python from bigml.dataset import Dataset local_dataset = Dataset('./my_dataset.json') # The dataset in my_dataset.json was created from a dataset whose fields # were ``foo`` and ``baz``. The transformation that generated the new # dataset added a new field ``qux`` whose value is ``baz`` divided by 2 input_data_list = [{"foo": "bar", "baz": 32}] output_data_list = local_dataset.transform(input_data_list) # output_data_list: [{"foo": "bar", "baz": 32, "qux": 16}] The ``Dataset`` object offers a method to download a sample of the rows that can be found in the dataset. .. code-block:: python from bigml.dataset import Dataset local_dataset = Dataset('dataset/502fdbff15526876610003215') rows = local_dataset.get_sample(rows_number=50) The result will be a list of lists, which are the row values sorted as described in the fields structure of the dataset. Of course, this operation cannot be performed locally. BigML's API will be called behind the scene to create a ``Sample`` object and retrieve the corresponding rows. Similarly, you can use the ``get_input_sample`` method to get a sample of rows of the origin dataset (if available in BigML). .. code-block:: python from bigml.dataset import Dataset local_dataset = Dataset('dataset/502fdbff15526876610003215') rows = local_dataset.get_input_sample(rows_number=50) # these rows will represent the values available in the dataset # that was used as origin to create dataset/502fdbff15526876610003215 Local Models ------------ You can instantiate a local version of a remote model. .. code-block:: python from bigml.model import Model local_model = Model('model/502fdbff15526876610002615') This will retrieve the remote model information, using an implicitly built ``BigML()`` connection object (see the `Authentication <#authentication>`_ section for more details on how to set your credentials) and return a Model object that will be stored in the ``./storage`` directory and you can use to make local predictions. If you want to use a specific connection object for the remote retrieval or a different storage directory, you can set it as second parameter: .. code-block:: python from bigml.model import Model from bigml.api import BigML local_model = Model('model/502fdbff15526876610002615', api=BigML(my_username, my_api_key, storage="my_storage")) or even use the remote model information previously retrieved to build the local model object: .. code-block:: python from bigml.model import Model from bigml.api import BigML api = BigML() model = api.get_model('model/502fdbff15526876610002615', query_string='only_model=true;limit=-1') local_model = Model(model) As you can see, the ``query_string`` used to retrieve the model has two parts. They both act on the ``fields`` information that is added to the JSON response. First ``only_model=true`` is used to restrict the fields described in the ``fields`` structure of the response to those used as predictors in the model. Also ``limit=-1`` avoids the pagination of fields which is used by default and includes them all at once. These details are already taken care of in the two previous examples, where the model ID is used as argument. Any of these methods will return a ``Model`` object that you can use to make local predictions, generate IF-THEN rules, Tableau rules or a Python function that implements the model. You can also build a local model from a model previously retrieved and stored in a JSON file: .. code-block:: python from bigml.model import Model local_model = Model('./my_model.json') Local Predictions ----------------- Once you have a local model you can use to generate predictions locally. .. code-block:: python local_model.predict({"petal length": 3, "petal width": 1}) Iris-versicolor Local predictions have three clear advantages: - Removing the dependency from BigML to make new predictions. - No cost (i.e., you do not spend BigML credits). - Extremely low latency to generate predictions for huge volumes of data. The default output for local predictions is the prediction itself, but you can also add other properties associated to the prediction, like its confidence or probability, the distribution of values in the predicted node (for decision tree models), and the number of instances supporting the prediction. To obtain a dictionary with the prediction and the available additional properties use the ``full=True`` argument: .. code-block:: python local_model.predict({"petal length": 3, "petal width": 1}, full=True) that will return: .. code-block:: python {'count': 47, 'confidence': 0.92444, 'probability': 0.9861111111111112, 'prediction': u'Iris-versicolor', 'distribution_unit': 'categories', 'path': [u'petal length > 2.45', u'petal width <= 1.75', u'petal length <= 4.95', u'petal width <= 1.65'], 'distribution': [[u'Iris-versicolor', 47]]} Note that the ``path`` attribute for the ``proportional`` missing strategy shows the path leading to a final unique node, that gives the prediction, or to the first split where a missing value is found. Other optional attributes are ``next`` which contains the field that determines the next split after the prediction node and ``distribution`` that adds the distribution that leads to the prediction. For regression models, ``min`` and ``max`` will add the limit values for the data that supports the prediction. When your test data has missing values, you can choose between ``last prediction`` or ``proportional`` strategy to compute the prediction. The ``last prediction`` strategy is the one used by default. To compute a prediction, the algorithm goes down the model's decision tree and checks the condition it finds at each node (e.g.: 'sepal length' > 2). If the field checked is missing in your input data you have two options: by default (``last prediction`` strategy) the algorithm will stop and issue the last prediction it computed in the previous node. If you chose ``proportional`` strategy instead, the algorithm will continue to go down the tree considering both branches from that node on. Thus, it will store a list of possible predictions from then on, one per valid node. In this case, the final prediction will be the majority (for categorical models) or the average (for regressions) of values predicted by the list of predicted values. You can set this strategy by using the ``missing_strategy`` argument with code ``0`` to use ``last prediction`` and ``1`` for ``proportional``. .. code-block:: python from bigml.model import LAST_PREDICTION, PROPORTIONAL # LAST_PREDICTION = 0; PROPORTIONAL = 1 local_model.predict({"petal length": 3, "petal width": 1}, missing_strategy=PROPORTIONAL) For classification models, it is sometimes useful to obtain a probability or confidence prediction for each possible class of the objective field. To do this, you can use the ``predict_probability`` and ``predict_confidence`` methods respectively. The former gives a prediction based on the distribution of instances at the appropriate leaf node, with a Laplace correction based on the root node distribution. The latter returns a lower confidence bound on the leaf node probability based on the Wilson score interval. Each of these methods take the ``missing_strategy`` argument that functions as it does in ``predict``, and one additional argument, ``compact``. If ``compact`` is ``False`` (the default), the output of these functions is a list of maps, each with the keys ``prediction`` and ``probability`` (or ``confidence``) mapped to the class name and its associated probability (or confidence). Note that these methods substitute the deprecated ``multiple`` parameter in the ``predict`` method functionallity. So, for example, the following: .. code-block:: python local_model.predict_probability({"petal length": 3}) would result in .. code-block:: python [{'prediction': u'Iris-setosa', 'probability': 0.0033003300330033}, {'prediction': u'Iris-versicolor', 'probability': 0.4983498349834984}, {'prediction': u'Iris-virginica', 'probability': 0.4983498349834984}] If ``compact`` is ``True``, only the probabilities themselves are returned, as a list in class name order. Note that, for reference, the attribute ``Model.class_names`` contains the class names in the appropriate ordering. To illustrate, the following: .. code-block:: python local_model.predict_probability({"petal length": 3}, compact=True) would result in .. code-block:: python [0.0033003300330033, 0.4983498349834984, 0.4983498349834984] The output of ``predict_confidence`` is the same, except that the output maps are keyed with ``confidence`` instead of ``probability``. For classifications, the prediction of a local model will be one of the available categories in the objective field and an associated ``confidence`` or ``probability`` that is used to decide which is the predicted category. If you prefer the model predictions to be operated using any of them, you can use the ``operating_kind`` argument in the ``predict`` method. Here's the example to use predictions based on ``confidence``: .. code-block:: python local_model.predict({"petal length": 3, "petal width": 1}, {"operating_kind": "confidence"}) Previous versions of the bindings had additional arguments in the ``predict`` method that were used to format the prediction attributes. The signature of the method has been changed to accept only arguments that affect the prediction itself, (like ``missing_strategy``, ``operating_kind`` and ``opreating_point``) and ``full`` which is a boolean that controls whether the output is the prediction itself or a dictionary will all the available properties associated to the prediction. Formatting can be achieved by using the ``cast_prediction`` function: .. code-block:: python def cast_prediction(full_prediction, to=None, confidence=False, probability=False, path=False, distribution=False, count=False, next=False, d_min=False, d_max=False, median=False, unused_fields=False): whose first argument is the prediction obtained with the ``full=True`` argument, the second one defines the type of output (``None`` to obtain the prediction output only, "list" or "dict") and the rest of booleans cause the corresponding property to be included or not. Operating point's predictions ----------------------------- In classification problems, Models, Ensembles and Logistic Regressions can be used at different operating points, that is, associated to particular thresholds. Each operating point is then defined by the kind of property you use as threshold, its value and a the class that is supposed to be predicted if the threshold is reached. Let's assume you decide that you have a binary problem, with classes ``True`` and ``False`` as possible outcomes. Imagine you want to be very sure to predict the `True` outcome, so you don't want to predict that unless the probability associated to it is over ``0.8``. You can achieve this with any classification model by creating an operating point: .. code-block:: python operating_point = {"kind": "probability", "positive_class": "True", "threshold": 0.8}; to predict using this restriction, you can use the ``operating_point`` parameter: .. code-block:: python prediction = local_model.predict(input_data, operating_point=operating_point) where ``inputData`` should contain the values for which you want to predict. Local models allow two kinds of operating points: ``probability`` and ``confidence``. For both of them, the threshold can be set to any number in the ``[0, 1]`` range. Local feature generation for predictions ---------------------------------------- All kind of local models (ensembles, clusters, etc.) offer a prediction-like method that receives the input data to be used as test data and produces the prediction output (prediction, centroid, etc.). However, one of BigML's capabilities is automatic feature extraction from date-time or image fields. Also, the Flatline language allows the user to create new features to from the raw data to be used in modelling. Thus, your model might use features that have been derived from the original raw data and should be replicated at prediction time. ``Local pipelines`` are objects that will store all the feature extraction and transformations used to produce the dataset that was used for training (see `Local Pipelines <#local-pipelines>`_). These objects provide a ``.transform`` method that can be applied to the raw input data to reproduce the same transformations that were used to define the training data used by the model from the raw training data. Every local model class offers a ``.data_transformations`` method that generates a ``BMLPipeline`` object, storing these transformations. The user can apply them before calling the corresponding prediction method. .. code-block:: python from bigml.model import Model local_model = Model('model/502fdbff15526876610002435') local_pipeline = local_model.data_transformations() # the pipeline transform method is applied to lists of dictionaries # (one row per dictionary). # For a single prediction, a list of one input is sent to be # transformed and the result will be a list, whose # first element is used as transformed input data input_data = local_pipeline.transform( [{"petal length": 4.4, "sepal width": 3.2}])[0] prediction = local_model.predict(input_data) Local Clusters -------------- You can also instantiate a local version of a remote cluster. .. code-block:: python from bigml.cluster import Cluster local_cluster = Cluster('cluster/502fdbff15526876610002435') This will retrieve the remote cluster information, using an implicitly built ``BigML()`` connection object (see the `Authentication <#authentication>`_ section for more details on how to set your credentials) and return a ``Cluster`` object that will be stored in the ``./storage`` directory and you can use to make local centroid predictions. If you want to use a specific connection object for the remote retrieval or a different storage directory, you can set it as second parameter: .. code-block:: python from bigml.cluster import Cluster from bigml.api import BigML local_cluster = Cluster('cluster/502fdbff15526876610002435', api=BigML(my_username, my_api_key storage="my_storage")) or even use the remote cluster information previously retrieved to build the local cluster object: .. code-block:: python from bigml.cluster import Cluster from bigml.api import BigML api = BigML() cluster = api.get_cluster('cluster/502fdbff15526876610002435', query_string='limit=-1') local_cluster = Cluster(cluster) Note that in this example we used a ``limit=-1`` query string for the cluster retrieval. This ensures that all fields are retrieved by the get method in the same call (unlike in the standard calls where the number of fields returned is limited). Local clusters provide also methods for the significant operations that can be done using clusters: finding the centroid assigned to a certain data point, sorting centroids according to their distance to a data point, summarizing the centroids intra-distances and inter-distances and also finding the closest points to a given one. The `Local Centroids <#local-centroids>`_ and the `Summary generation <#summary-generation>`_ sections will explain these methods. Local Centroids --------------- Using the local cluster object, you can predict the centroid associated to an input data set: .. code-block:: python local_cluster.centroid({"pregnancies": 0, "plasma glucose": 118, "blood pressure": 84, "triceps skin thickness": 47, "insulin": 230, "bmi": 45.8, "diabetes pedigree": 0.551, "age": 31, "diabetes": "true"}) {'distance': 0.454110207355, 'centroid_name': 'Cluster 4', 'centroid_id': '000004'} You must keep in mind, though, that to obtain a centroid prediction, input data must have values for all the numeric fields. No missing values for the numeric fields are allowed unless you provided a ``default_numeric_value`` in the cluster construction configuration. If so, this value will be used to fill the missing numeric fields. As in the local model predictions, producing local centroids can be done independently of BigML servers, so no cost or connection latencies are involved. Another interesting method in the cluster object is ``local_cluster.closests_in_cluster``, which given a reference data point will provide the rest of points that fall into the same cluster sorted in an ascending order according to their distance to this point. You can limit the maximum number of points returned by setting the ``number_of_points`` argument to any positive integer. .. code-block:: python local_cluster.closests_in_cluster( \ {"pregnancies": 0, "plasma glucose": 118, "blood pressure": 84, "triceps skin thickness": 47, "insulin": 230, "bmi": 45.8, "diabetes pedigree": 0.551, "age": 31, "diabetes": "true"}, number_of_points=2) The response will be a dictionary with the centroid id of the cluster an the list of closest points and their distances to the reference point. .. code-block:: python {'closest': [ \ {'distance': 0.06912270988567025, 'data': {'plasma glucose': '115', 'blood pressure': '70', 'triceps skin thickness': '30', 'pregnancies': '1', 'bmi': '34.6', 'diabetes pedigree': '0.529', 'insulin': '96', 'age': '32', 'diabetes': 'true'}}, {'distance': 0.10396456577958413, 'data': {'plasma glucose': '167', 'blood pressure': '74', 'triceps skin thickness': '17', 'pregnancies': '1', 'bmi': '23.4', 'diabetes pedigree': '0.447', 'insulin': '144', 'age': '33', 'diabetes': 'true'}}], 'reference': {'age': 31, 'bmi': 45.8, 'plasma glucose': 118, 'insulin': 230, 'blood pressure': 84, 'pregnancies': 0, 'triceps skin thickness': 47, 'diabetes pedigree': 0.551, 'diabetes': 'true'}, 'centroid_id': u'000000'} No missing numeric values are allowed either in the reference data point. If you want the data points to belong to a different cluster, you can provide the ``centroid_id`` for the cluster as an additional argument. Other utility methods are ``local_cluster.sorted_centroids`` which given a reference data point will provide the list of centroids sorted according to the distance to it .. code-block:: python local_cluster.sorted_centroids( \ {'plasma glucose': '115', 'blood pressure': '70', 'triceps skin thickness': '30', 'pregnancies': '1', 'bmi': '34.6', 'diabetes pedigree': '0.529', 'insulin': '96', 'age': '32', 'diabetes': 'true'}) {'centroids': [{'distance': 0.31656890408929705, 'data': {u'000006': 0.34571, u'000007': 30.7619, u'000000': 3.79592, u'000008': u'false'}, 'centroid_id': u'000000'}, {'distance': 0.4424198506958207, 'data': {u'000006': 0.77087, u'000007': 45.50943, u'000000': 5.90566, u'000008': u'true'}, 'centroid_id': u'000001'}], 'reference': {'age': '32', 'bmi': '34.6', 'plasma glucose': '115', 'insulin': '96', 'blood pressure': '70', 'pregnancies': '1', 'triceps skin thickness': '30', 'diabetes pedigree': '0.529', 'diabetes': 'true'}} or ``points_in_cluster`` that returns the list of data points assigned to a certain cluster, given its ``centroid_id``. .. code-block:: python centroid_id = "000000" local_cluster.points_in_cluster(centroid_id) Local Anomaly Detector ---------------------- You can also instantiate a local version of a remote anomaly. .. code-block:: python from bigml.anomaly import Anomaly local_anomaly = Anomaly('anomaly/502fcbff15526876610002435') This will retrieve the remote anomaly detector information, using an implicitly built ``BigML()`` connection object (see the `Authentication <#authentication>`_ section for more details on how to set your credentials) and return an ``Anomaly`` object that will be stored in the ``./storage`` directory and you can use to make local anomaly scores. If you want to use a specific connection object for the remote retrieval or a different storage directory, you can set it as second parameter: .. code-block:: python from bigml.anomaly import Anomaly from bigml.api import BigML local_anomaly = Anomaly('anomaly/502fcbff15526876610002435', api=BigML(my_username, my_api_key, storage="my_storage_dir")) or even use the remote anomaly information retrieved previously to build the local anomaly detector object: .. code-block:: python from bigml.anomaly import Anomaly from bigml.api import BigML api = BigML() anomaly = api.get_anomaly('anomaly/502fcbff15526876610002435', query_string='limit=-1') local_anomaly = Anomaly(anomaly) Note that in this example we used a ``limit=-1`` query string for the anomaly retrieval. This ensures that all fields are retrieved by the get method in the same call (unlike in the standard calls where the number of fields returned is limited). The anomaly detector object has also the method ``anomalies_filter`` that will build the LISP filter you would need to filter the original dataset and create a new one excluding the top anomalies. Setting the ``include`` parameter to True you can do the inverse and create a dataset with only the most anomalous data points. Local Anomaly Scores -------------------- Using the local anomaly detector object, you can predict the anomaly score associated to an input data set: .. code-block:: python local_anomaly.anomaly_score({"src_bytes": 350}) 0.9268527808726705 As in the local model predictions, producing local anomaly scores can be done independently of BigML servers, so no cost or connection latencies are involved. Local Anomaly caching --------------------- Anomalies can become quite large objects. That's why their use of memory resources can be heavy. If your usual scenario is using many of them constantly in a disordered way, the best strategy is setting up a cache system to store them. The local anomaly class provides helpers to interact with that cache. Here's an example using ``Redis``. .. code-block:: python from anomaly import Anomaly import redis r = redis.Redis() # First build as you would any core Anomaly object: anomaly = Anomaly('anomaly/5126965515526876630001b2') # Store a serialized version in Redis anomaly.dump(cache_set=r.set) # (retrieve the external rep from its convenient place) # Speedy Build from external rep anomaly = Anomaly('anomaly/5126965515526876630001b2', cache_get=r.get) # Get scores same as always: anomaly.anomaly_score({"src_bytes": 350}) Local Logistic Regression ------------------------- You can also instantiate a local version of a remote logistic regression. .. code-block:: python from bigml.logistic import LogisticRegression local_log_regression = LogisticRegression( 'logisticregression/502fdbff15526876610042435') This will retrieve the remote logistic regression information, using an implicitly built ``BigML()`` connection object (see the `Authentication <#authentication>`_ section for more details on how to set your credentials) and return a ``LogisticRegression`` object that will be stored in the ``./storage`` directory and you can use to make local predictions. If you want to use a specific connection object for the remote retrieval or a different storage directory, you can set it as second parameter: .. code-block:: python from bigml.logistic import LogisticRegression from bigml.api import BigML local_log_regression = LogisticRegression( 'logisticregression/502fdbff15526876610602435', api=BigML(my_username, my_api_key, storage="my_storage")) You can also reuse a remote logistic regression JSON structure as previously retrieved to build the local logistic regression object: .. code-block:: python from bigml.logistic import LogisticRegression from bigml.api import BigML api = BigML() logistic_regression = api.get_logistic_regression( 'logisticregression/502fdbff15526876610002435', query_string='limit=-1') local_log_regression = LogisticRegression(logistic_regression) Note that in this example we used a ``limit=-1`` query string for the logistic regression retrieval. This ensures that all fields are retrieved by the get method in the same call (unlike in the standard calls where the number of fields returned is limited). Local Logistic Regression Predictions ------------------------------------- Using the local logistic regression object, you can predict the prediction for an input data set: .. code-block:: python local_log_regression.predict({"petal length": 2, "sepal length": 1.5, "petal width": 0.5, "sepal width": 0.7}, full=True) {'distribution': [ {'category': u'Iris-virginica', 'probability': 0.5041444478857267}, {'category': u'Iris-versicolor', 'probability': 0.46926542042788333}, {'category': u'Iris-setosa', 'probability': 0.02659013168639014}], 'prediction': u'Iris-virginica', 'probability': 0.5041444478857267} As you can see, the prediction contains the predicted category and the associated probability. It also shows the distribution of probabilities for all the possible categories in the objective field. If you only need the predicted value, you can remove the ``full`` argument. You must keep in mind, though, that to obtain a logistic regression prediction, input data must have values for all the numeric fields. No missing values for the numeric fields are allowed. For consistency of interface with the ``Model`` class, logistic regressions again have a ``predict_probability`` method, which takes the same argument as ``Model.predict``: ``compact``. As stated above, missing values are not allowed, and so there is no ``missing_strategy`` argument. As with local Models, if ``compact`` is ``False`` (the default), the output is a list of maps, each with the keys ``prediction`` and ``probability`` mapped to the class name and its associated probability. So, for example .. code-block:: python local_log_regression.predict_probability({"petal length": 2, "sepal length": 1.5, "petal width": 0.5, "sepal width": 0.7}) [{'category': u'Iris-setosa', 'probability': 0.02659013168639014}, {'category': u'Iris-versicolor', 'probability': 0.46926542042788333}, {'category': u'Iris-virginica', 'probability': 0.5041444478857267}] If ``compact`` is ``True``, only the probabilities themselves are returned, as a list in class name order, again, as is the case with local Models. Operating point predictions are also available for local logistic regressions and an example of it would be: .. code-block:: python operating_point = {"kind": "probability", "positive_class": "True", "threshold": 0.8} local_logistic.predict(inputData, operating_point=operating_point) You can check the `Operating point's predictions <#operating-point's-predictions>`_ section to learn about operating points. For logistic regressions, the only available kind is ``probability``, that sets the threshold of probability to be reached for the prediction to be the positive class. Local Logistic Regression ------------------------- You can also instantiate a local version of a remote logistic regression: .. code-block:: python from bigml.logistic import LogisticRegression local_log_regression = LogisticRegression( 'logisticregression/502fdbff15526876610042435') This will retrieve the remote logistic regression information, using an implicitly built ``BigML()`` connection object (see the `Authentication <#authentication>`_ section for more details on how to set your credentials) and return a ``LogisticRegression`` object that will be stored in the ``./storage`` directory and you can use to make local predictions. If you want to use a specific connection object for the remote retrieval or a different storage directory, you can set it as second parameter: .. code-block:: python from bigml.logistic import LogisticRegression from bigml.api import BigML local_log_regression = LogisticRegression( 'logisticregression/502fdbff15526876610602435', api=BigML(my_username, my_api_key, storage="my_storage")) You can also reuse a remote logistic regression JSON structure as previously retrieved to build the local logistic regression object: .. code-block:: python from bigml.logistic import LogisticRegression from bigml.api import BigML api = BigML() logistic_regression = api.get_logistic_regression( 'logisticregression/502fdbff15526876610002435', query_string='limit=-1') local_log_regression = LogisticRegression(logistic_regression) Note that in this example we used a ``limit=-1`` query string for the logistic regression retrieval. This ensures that all fields are retrieved by the get method in the same call (unlike in the standard calls where the number of fields returned is limited). Local Linear Regression Predictions ----------------------------------- Using the local ``LinearRegression`` class, you can predict the prediction for an input data set: .. code-block:: python local_linear_regression.predict({"petal length": 2, "sepal length": 1.5, "species": "Iris-setosa", "sepal width": 0.7}, full=True) {'confidence_bounds': { 'prediction_interval': 0.43783924497784293, 'confidence_interval': 0.2561542783257394}, 'prediction': -0.6109005499999999, 'unused_fields': ['petal length']} To obtain a linear regression prediction, input data can only have missing values for fields that had already some missings in training data. The ``full=True`` in the predict method will cause the prediction to include ``confidence bounds`` when available. Some logistic regressions will not contain such information by construction. Also, in order to compute these bounds locally, you will need ``numpy`` and ``scipy`` in place. As they are quite heavy libraries, they aren't automatically installed as dependencies of these bindings. Local Deepnet ------------- You can also instantiate a local version of a remote Deepnet. .. code-block:: python from bigml.deepnet import Deepnet local_deepnet = Deepnet( 'deepnet/502fdbff15526876610022435') This will retrieve the remote deepnet information, using an implicitly built ``BigML()`` connection object (see the `Authentication <#authentication>`_ section for more details on how to set your credentials) and return a ``Deepnet`` object that will be stored in the ``./storage`` directory and you can use to make local predictions. If you want to use a specific connection object for the remote retrieval or a different storage directory, you can set it as second parameter: .. code-block:: python from bigml.deepnet import Deepnet from bigml.api import BigML local_deepnet = Deepnet( 'deepnet/502fdbff15526876610602435', api=BigML(my_username, my_api_key, storage="my_storage")) You can also reuse a remote Deepnet JSON structure as previously retrieved to build the local Deepnet object: .. code-block:: python from bigml.deepnet import Deepnet from bigml.api import BigML api = BigML() deepnet = api.get_deepnet( 'deepnet/502fdbff15526876610002435', query_string='limit=-1') local_deepnet = Deepnet(deepnet) Note that in this example we used a ``limit=-1`` query string for the deepnet retrieval. This ensures that all fields are retrieved by the get method in the same call (unlike in the standard calls where the number of fields returned is limited). Local Deepnet Predictions ------------------------- Using the local deepnet object, you can predict the prediction for an input data set: .. code-block:: python local_deepnet.predict({"petal length": 2, "sepal length": 1.5, "petal width": 0.5, "sepal width": 0.7}, full=True) {'distribution': [ {'category': u'Iris-virginica', 'probability': 0.5041444478857267}, {'category': u'Iris-versicolor', 'probability': 0.46926542042788333}, {'category': u'Iris-setosa', 'probability': 0.02659013168639014}], 'prediction': u'Iris-virginica', 'probability': 0.5041444478857267} As you can see, the full prediction contains the predicted category and the associated probability. It also shows the distribution of probabilities for all the possible categories in the objective field. If you only need the predicted value, you can remove the ``full`` argument. To be consistent with the ``Model`` class interface, deepnets have also a ``predict_probability`` method, which takes the same argument as ``Model.predict``: ``compact``. As with local Models, if ``compact`` is ``False`` (the default), the output is a list of maps, each with the keys ``prediction`` and ``probability`` mapped to the class name and its associated probability. So, for example .. code-block:: python local_deepnet.predict_probability({"petal length": 2, "sepal length": 1.5, "petal width": 0.5, "sepal width": 0.7}) [{'category': u'Iris-setosa', 'probability': 0.02659013168639014}, {'category': u'Iris-versicolor', 'probability': 0.46926542042788333}, {'category': u'Iris-virginica', 'probability': 0.5041444478857267}] If ``compact`` is ``True``, only the probabilities themselves are returned, as a list in class name order, again, as is the case with local Models. Operating point predictions are also available for local deepnets and an example of it would be: .. code-block:: python operating_point = {"kind": "probability", "positive_class": "True", "threshold": 0.8}; prediction = local_deepnet.predict(input_data, operating_point=operating_point) Local Deepnets for images supervised learning and object detection ------------------------------------------------------------------ Deepnets include Convolutional Neural Networks, so they can be used to do classification, regression and object detection based on images. For image classification and regression, the local Deepnets will just need some image as input data when doing predictions. The image file should be provided in input data as the contents to the corresponding image field. .. code-block:: python input_data = {"000002": "my_image.jpg"} prediction = local_deepnet.predict(input_data) For object detection, as predictions are only based on one image, the input to be provided is the plain image file itself. .. code-block:: python prediction = local_deepnet.predict("my_image.jpg") Also, object detection Deepnets allow some parameters to be set at creation time. They slightly modify the operation of the ``Deepnet``, so they are provided as ``operation_settings``. .. code-block:: python from bigml.deepnet import Deepnet local_deepnet = Deepnet("deepnet/62a85964128d1c55610003cd", operation_settings={"region_score_threshold": 0.6}) prediction = local_deepnet.predict("my_image.jpg") The operation settings allowed are ``region_score_threshold``, that will set the minimum accepted score in the predictions and ``max_objects`` which will limit the number of regions returned. The prediction will contain a list of dictionaries that contain the label, score and box description of the found regions. Each box object is an array that contains the ``xmin``, ``ymin``, ``xmax`` and ``ymax`` coordinates: .. code-block:: python {'prediction': [{'box': [0.67742, 0.30469, 0.79472, 0.37109], 'label': 'eye', 'score': 0.83528}, {'box': [0.3783, 0.27734, 0.50147, 0.35938], 'label': 'eye', 'score': 0.79117}, {'box': [0.67742, 0.77344, 0.739, 0.81445], 'label': 'eye', 'score': 0.45094}]} **Note**: Local predictions for deepnets built on images datasets can differ slightly from the predictions obtained by using BigML's API create prediction call. When uploaded to BigML, images are standardized to a particular resolution and compressed using the JPEG algorithm while local predictions maintain the original image information. That can cause minor variations in regression predictions or the probability associated to classification predictions. Also object detection predictions can differ slightly, specially if low region_threshold_scores are used. If anything, the local value will always be slightly more accurate, but if you need to find results as close as possible to the ones produced in remote predictions, you can use the ``remote_preprocess`` function in the ``deepnet`` module. .. code-block:: python from bigml.deepnet import Deepnet, remote_preprocess ld = Deepnet("deepnet/62a85964128d1c55610003cd") ld.predict(remote_preprocess("./data/images/cats/pexels-pixabay-33358.jpg")) Local Fusion ------------ You can also instantiate a local version of a remote Fusion. .. code-block:: python from bigml.fusion import Fusion local_fusion = Fusion( 'fusion/502fdbff15526876610022438') This will retrieve the remote fusion information, using an implicitly built ``BigML()`` connection object (see the `Authentication <#authentication>`_ section for more details on how to set your credentials) and return a ``Fusion`` object that will be stored in the ``./storage`` directory and you can use to make local predictions. If you want to use a specific connection object for the remote retrieval or a different storage directory, you can set it as second parameter: .. code-block:: python from bigml.fusion import Fusion from bigml.api import BigML local_fusion = Fusion( 'fusion/502fdbff15526876610602435', api=BigML(my_username, my_api_key, storage="my_storage")) You can also reuse a remote Fusion JSON structure as previously retrieved to build the local Fusion object: .. code-block:: python from bigml.fusion import Fusion from bigml.api import BigML api = BigML() fusion = api.get_fusion( 'fusion/502fdbff15526876610002435', query_string='limit=-1') local_fusion = Fusion(fusion) Note that in this example we used a ``limit=-1`` query string for the fusion retrieval. This ensures that all fields are retrieved by the get method in the same call (unlike in the standard calls where the number of fields returned is limited). Local Fusion Predictions ------------------------- Using the local fusion object, you can predict the prediction for an input data set: .. code-block:: python local_fusion.predict({"petal length": 2, "sepal length": 1.5, "petal width": 0.5, "sepal width": 0.7}, full=True) {'prediction': u'Iris-setosa', 'probability': 0.45224} As you can see, the full prediction contains the predicted category and the associated probability. If you only need the predicted value, you can remove the ``full`` argument. To be consistent with the ``Model`` class interface, fusions have also a ``predict_probability`` method, which takes the same argument as ``Model.predict``: ``compact``. As with local Models, if ``compact`` is ``False`` (the default), the output is a list of maps, each with the keys ``prediction`` and ``probability`` mapped to the class name and its associated probability. So, for example .. code-block:: python local_fusion.predict_probability({"petal length": 2, "sepal length": 1.5, "petal width": 0.5, "sepal width": 0.7}) [{'category': u'Iris-setosa', 'probability': 0.45224}, {'category': u'Iris-versicolor', 'probability': 0.2854}, {'category': u'Iris-virginica', 'probability': 0.26236}] If ``compact`` is ``True``, only the probabilities themselves are returned, as a list in class name order, again, as is the case with local Models. Operating point predictions are also available with probability as threshold for local fusions and an example of it would be: .. code-block:: python operating_point = {"kind": "probability", "positive_class": "True", "threshold": 0.8}; prediction = local_fusion.predict(inputData, operating_point=operating_point) Local Association ----------------- You can also instantiate a local version of a remote association resource. .. code-block:: python from bigml.association import Association local_association = Association('association/502fdcff15526876610002435') This will retrieve the remote association information, using an implicitly built ``BigML()`` connection object (see the `Authentication <#authentication>`_ section for more details on how to set your credentials) and return an ``Association`` object that will be stored in the ``./storage`` directory and you can use to extract the rules found in the original dataset. If you want to use a specific connection object for the remote retrieval or a different storage directory, you can set it as second parameter: .. code-block:: python from bigml.association import Association from bigml.api import BigML local_association = Association('association/502fdcff15526876610002435', api=BigML(my_username, my_api_key storage="my_storage")) or even use the remote association information retrieved previously to build the local association object: .. code-block:: python from bigml.association import Association from bigml.api import BigML api = BigML() association = api.get_association('association/502fdcff15526876610002435', query_string='limit=-1') local_association = Association(association) Note that in this example we used a ``limit=-1`` query string for the association retrieval. This ensures that all fields are retrieved by the get method in the same call (unlike in the standard calls where the number of fields returned is limited). The created ``Association`` object has some methods to help retrieving the association rules found in the original data. The ``get_rules`` method will return the association rules. Arguments can be set to filter the rules returned according to its ``leverage``, ``strength``, ``support``, ``p_value``, a list of items involved in the rule or a user-given filter function. .. code-block:: python from bigml.association import Association local_association = Association('association/502fdcff15526876610002435') local_association.get_rules(item_list=["Edible"], min_p_value=0.3) In this example, the only rules that will be returned by the ``get_rules`` method will be the ones that mention ``Edible`` and their ``p_value`` is greater or equal to ``0.3``. The rules can also be stored in a CSV file using ``rules_CSV``: .. code-block:: python from bigml.association import Association local_association = Association('association/502fdcff15526876610002435') local_association.rules_CSV(file_name='/tmp/my_rules.csv', min_strength=0.1) This example will store the rules whose strength is bigger or equal to 0.1 in the ``/tmp/my_rules.csv`` file. You can also obtain the list of ``items`` parsed in the dataset using the ``get_items`` method. You can also filter the results by field name, by item names and by a user-given function: .. code-block:: python from bigml.association import Association local_association = Association('association/502fdcff15526876610002435') local_association.get_items(field="Cap Color", names=["Brown cap", "White cap", "Yellow cap"]) This will recover the ``Item`` objects found in the ``Cap Color`` field for the names in the list, with their properties as described in the `developers section `_ Local Association Sets ---------------------- Using the local association object, you can predict the association sets related to an input data set: .. code-block:: python local_association.association_set( \ {"gender": "Female", "genres": "Adventure$Action", \ "timestamp": 993906291, "occupation": "K-12 student", "zipcode": 59583, "rating": 3}) [{'item': {'complement': False, 'count': 70, 'field_id': u'000002', 'name': u'Under 18'}, 'rules': ['000000'], 'score': 0.0969181441561211}, {'item': {'complement': False, 'count': 216, 'field_id': u'000007', 'name': u'Drama'}, 'score': 0.025050115102862636}, {'item': {'complement': False, 'count': 108, 'field_id': u'000007', 'name': u'Sci-Fi'}, 'rules': ['000003'], 'score': 0.02384578264599424}, {'item': {'complement': False, 'count': 40, 'field_id': u'000002', 'name': u'56+'}, 'rules': ['000008', '000020'], 'score': 0.021845366022721312}, {'item': {'complement': False, 'count': 66, 'field_id': u'000002', 'name': u'45-49'}, 'rules': ['00000e'], 'score': 0.019657155185835006}] As in the local model predictions, producing local association sets can be done independently of BigML servers, so no cost or connection latencies are involved. Local Topic Model ----------------- You can also instantiate a local version of a remote topic model. .. code-block:: python from bigml.topicmodel import TopicModel local_topic_model = TopicModel( 'topicmodel/502fdbcf15526876210042435') This will retrieve the remote topic model information, using an implicitly built ``BigML()`` connection object (see the `Authentication <#authentication>`_ section for more details on how to set your credentials) and return a ``TopicModel`` object that will be stored in the ``./storage`` directory and you can use to obtain local topic distributions. If you want to use a specific connection object for the remote retrieval or a different storage directory, you can set it as second parameter: .. code-block:: python from bigml.topicmodel import TopicModel from bigml.api import BigML local_topic_model = TopicModel( 'topicmodel/502fdbcf15526876210042435', api=BigML(my_username, my_api_key, storage="my_storage")) You can also reuse a remote topic model JSON structure as previously retrieved to build the local topic model object: .. code-block:: python from bigml.topicmodel import TopicModel from bigml.api import BigML api = BigML() topic_model = api.get_topic_model( 'topicmodel/502fdbcf15526876210042435', query_string='limit=-1') local_topic_model = TopicModel(topic_model) Note that in this example we used a ``limit=-1`` query string for the topic model retrieval. This ensures that all fields are retrieved by the get method in the same call (unlike in the standard calls where the number of fields returned is limited). Local Topic Distributions ------------------------- Using the local topic model object, you can predict the local topic distribution for an input data set: .. code-block:: python local_topic_model.distribution({"Message": "Our mobile phone is free"}) [ { 'name': u'Topic 00', 'probability': 0.002627154266498529}, { 'name': u'Topic 01', 'probability': 0.003257671290458176}, { 'name': u'Topic 02', 'probability': 0.002627154266498529}, { 'name': u'Topic 03', 'probability': 0.1968263976460698}, { 'name': u'Topic 04', 'probability': 0.002627154266498529}, { 'name': u'Topic 05', 'probability': 0.002627154266498529}, { 'name': u'Topic 06', 'probability': 0.13692728036990331}, { 'name': u'Topic 07', 'probability': 0.6419714165615805}, { 'name': u'Topic 08', 'probability': 0.002627154266498529}, { 'name': u'Topic 09', 'probability': 0.002627154266498529}, { 'name': u'Topic 10', 'probability': 0.002627154266498529}, { 'name': u'Topic 11', 'probability': 0.002627154266498529}] As you can see, the topic distribution contains the name of the possible topics in the model and the associated probabilities. Local Time Series ----------------- You can also instantiate a local version of a remote time series. .. code-block:: python from bigml.timeseries import TimeSeries local_time_series = TimeSeries( 'timeseries/502fdbcf15526876210042435') This will create a series of models from the remote time series information, using an implicitly built ``BigML()`` connection object (see the `Authentication <#authentication>`_ section for more details on how to set your credentials) and return a ``TimeSeries`` object that will be stored in the ``./storage`` directory and you can use to obtain local forecasts. If you want to use a specific connection object for the remote retrieval or a different storage directory, you can set it as second parameter: .. code-block:: python from bigml.timeseries import TimeSeries from bigml.api import BigML local_time_series = TimeSeries( \ 'timeseries/502fdbcf15526876210042435', api=BigML(my_username, my_api_key, storage="my_storage")) You can also reuse a remote time series JSON structure as previously retrieved to build the local time series object: .. code-block:: python from bigml.timeseries import TimeSeries from bigml.api import BigML api = BigML() time_series = api.get_time_series( \ 'timeseries/502fdbcf15526876210042435', query_string='limit=-1') local_time_series = TimeSeries(time_series) Note that in this example we used a ``limit=-1`` query string for the time series retrieval. This ensures that all fields are retrieved by the get method in the same call (unlike in the standard calls where the number of fields returned is limited). Local Forecasts --------------- Using the local time series object, you can forecast any of the objective field values: .. code-block:: python local_time_series.forecast({"Final": {"horizon": 5}, "Assignment": { \ "horizon": 10, "ets_models": {"criterion": "aic", "limit": 2}}}) {u'000005': [ {'point_forecast': [68.53181, 68.53181, 68.53181, 68.53181, 68.53181], 'model': u'A,N,N'}], u'000001': [{'point_forecast': [54.776650000000004, 90.00943000000001, 83.59285000000001, 85.72403000000001, 72.87196, 93.85872, 84.80786, 84.65522, 92.52545, 88.78403], 'model': u'A,N,A'}, {'point_forecast': [55.882820120000005, 90.5255466567616, 83.44908577909621, 87.64524353046498, 74.32914583152592, 95.12372848262932, 86.69298716626228, 85.31630744944385, 93.62385478607113, 89.06905451921818], 'model': u'A,Ad,A'}]} As you can see, the forecast contains the ID of the forecasted field, the computed points and the name of the models meeting the criterion. For more details about the available parameters, please check the `API documentation `_. Local PCAs ---------- The `PCA` class will create a local version of a remote PCA. .. code-block:: python from bigml.pca import PCA local_pca = PCA( 'pca/502fdbcf15526876210042435') This will create an object that stores the remote information that defines the PCA, needed to generate projections to the new dimensionally reduced components. The remote resource is automatically downloaded the first time the the PCA is instantiated by using an implicitly built ``BigML()`` connection object (see the `Authentication <#authentication>`_ section for more details on how to set your credentials). The JSON that contains this information is stored in a ``./storage`` directory, which is the default choice. If you want to use a specific connection object to define the credentials for the authentication in BigML or the directory where the JSON information is stored, you can set it as the second parameter: .. code-block:: python from bigml.pca import PCA from bigml.api import BigML local_pca = PCA( \ 'timeseries/502fdbcf15526876210042435', api=BigML(my_username, my_api_key, storage="my_storage")) You can also reuse a remote PCA JSON structure as previously retrieved to build the local PCA object: .. code-block:: python from bigml.pca import PCA from bigml.api import BigML api = BigML() time_series = api.get_pca( \ 'pca/502fdbcf15526876210042435', query_string='limit=-1') local_pca = PCA(pca) Note that in this example we used a ``limit=-1`` query string for the PCA retrieval. This ensures that all fields are retrieved by the get method in the same call (unlike in the standard calls where the number of fields returned is limited). Local Projections ----------------- Using the local PCA object, you can compute the projection of an input dataset into the new components: .. code-block:: python local_pca.projection({"species": "Iris-versicolor"}) [6.03852, 8.35456, 5.04432, 0.75338, 0.06787, 0.03018] You can use the ``max_components`` and ``variance_threshold`` arguments to limit the number of components generated. You can also use the ``full`` argument to produce a dictionary whose keys are the names of the generated components. .. code-block:: python local_pca.projection({"species": "Iris-versicolor"}, full=yes) {'PCA1': 6.03852, 'PCA2': 8.35456, 'PCA3': 5.04432, 'PCA4': 0.75338, 'PCA5': 0.06787, 'PCA6': 0.03018} As in the local model predictions, producing local projections can be done independently of BigML servers, so no cost or connection latencies are involved. Local Forecasts --------------- Using the local time series object, you can forecast any of the objective field values: .. code-block:: python local_time_series.forecast({"Final": {"horizon": 5}, "Assignment": { \ "horizon": 10, "ets_models": {"criterion": "aic", "limit": 2}}}) {u'000005': [ {'point_forecast': [68.53181, 68.53181, 68.53181, 68.53181, 68.53181], 'model': u'A,N,N'}], u'000001': [{'point_forecast': [54.776650000000004, 90.00943000000001, 83.59285000000001, 85.72403000000001, 72.87196, 93.85872, 84.80786, 84.65522, 92.52545, 88.78403], 'model': u'A,N,A'}, {'point_forecast': [55.882820120000005, 90.5255466567616, 83.44908577909621, 87.64524353046498, 74.32914583152592, 95.12372848262932, 86.69298716626228, 85.31630744944385, 93.62385478607113, 89.06905451921818], 'model': u'A,Ad,A'}]} As you can see, the forecast contains the ID of the forecasted field, the computed points and the name of the models meeting the criterion. For more details about the available parameters, please check the `API documentation `_. Multi Models ------------ Multi Models use a numbers of BigML remote models to build a local version that can be used to generate predictions locally. Predictions are generated combining the outputs of each model. .. code-block:: python from bigml.api import BigML from bigml.multimodel import MultiModel api = BigML() model = MultiModel([api.get_model(model['resource']) for model in api.list_models(query_string="tags__in=my_tag") ['objects']]) model.predict({"petal length": 3, "petal width": 1}) This will create a multi model using all the models that have been previously tagged with ``my_tag`` and predict by combining each model's prediction. The combination method used by default is ``plurality`` for categorical predictions and mean value for numerical ones. You can also use ``confidence weighted``: .. code-block:: python model.predict({"petal length": 3, "petal width": 1}, method=1) that will weight each vote using the confidence/error given by the model to each prediction, or even ``probability weighted``: .. code-block:: python model.predict({"petal length": 3, "petal width": 1}, method=2) that weights each vote by using the probability associated to the training distribution at the prediction node. There's also a ``threshold`` method that uses an additional set of options: threshold and category. The category is predicted if and only if the number of predictions for that category is at least the threshold value. Otherwise, the prediction is plurality for the rest of predicted values. An example of ``threshold`` combination method would be: .. code-block:: python model.predict({'petal length': 0.9, 'petal width': 3.0}, method=3, options={'threshold': 3, 'category': 'Iris-virginica'}) When making predictions on a test set with a large number of models, ``batch_predict`` can be useful to log each model's predictions in a separated file. It expects a list of input data values and the directory path to save the prediction files in. .. code-block:: python model.batch_predict([{"petal length": 3, "petal width": 1}, {"petal length": 1, "petal width": 5.1}], "data/predictions") The predictions generated for each model will be stored in an output file in `data/predictions` using the syntax `model_[id of the model]__predictions.csv`. For instance, when using `model/50c0de043b563519830001c2` to predict, the output file name will be `model_50c0de043b563519830001c2__predictions.csv`. An additional feature is that using ``reuse=True`` as argument will force the function to skip the creation of the file if it already exists. This can be helpful when using repeatedly a bunch of models on the same test set. .. code-block:: python model.batch_predict([{"petal length": 3, "petal width": 1}, {"petal length": 1, "petal width": 5.1}], "data/predictions", reuse=True) Prediction files can be subsequently retrieved and converted into a votes list using ``batch_votes``: .. code-block:: python model.batch_votes("data/predictions") which will return a list of MultiVote objects. Each MultiVote contains a list of predictions (e.g. ``[{'prediction': u'Iris-versicolor', 'confidence': 0.34, 'order': 0}, {'prediction': u'Iris-setosa', 'confidence': 0.25, 'order': 1}]``). These votes can be further combined to issue a final prediction for each input data element using the method ``combine`` .. code-block:: python for multivote in model.batch_votes("data/predictions"): prediction = multivote.combine() Again, the default method of combination is ``plurality`` for categorical predictions and mean value for numerical ones. You can also use ``confidence weighted``: .. code-block:: python prediction = multivote.combine(1) or ``probability weighted``: .. code-block:: python prediction = multivote.combine(2) You can also get a confidence measure for the combined prediction: .. code-block:: python prediction = multivolte.combine(0, with_confidence=True) For classification, the confidence associated to the combined prediction is derived by first selecting the model's predictions that voted for the resulting prediction and computing the weighted average of their individual confidence. Nevertheless, when ``probability weighted`` is used, the confidence is obtained by using each model's distribution at the prediction node to build a probability distribution and combining them. The confidence is then computed as the wilson score interval of the combined distribution (using as total number of instances the sum of all the model's distributions original instances at the prediction node) In regression, all the models predictions' confidences contribute to the weighted average confidence. Local Ensembles --------------- Remote ensembles can also be used locally through the ``Ensemble`` class. The simplest way to access an existing ensemble and using it to predict locally is: .. code-block:: python from bigml.ensemble import Ensemble ensemble = Ensemble('ensemble/5143a51a37203f2cf7020351') ensemble.predict({"petal length": 3, "petal width": 1}) This is the simpler method to create a local Ensemble. The ``Ensemble('ensemble/5143a51a37203f2cf7020351')`` constructor, that fetches all the related JSON files and stores them in an ``./storage`` directory. Next calls to ``Ensemble('ensemble/50c0de043b5635198300033c')`` will retrieve the files from this local storage, so that internet connection will only be needed the first time an ``Ensemble`` is built. However, that method can only be used to work with the ensembles in our account in BigML. If we intend to use ensembles created under an ``Organization``, then we need to provide the information about the ``project`` that the ensemble is included in. You need to provide a connection object for that: .. code-block:: python from bigml.ensemble import Ensemble from bigml.api import BigML # connection object that informs about the project ID and the # directory where the ensemble will be stored for local use api = BigML(project="project/5143a51a37203f2cf7020001", storage="my_storage_directory") ensemble = Ensemble('ensemble/5143a51a37203f2cf7020351', api=api) ensemble.predict({"petal length": 3, "petal width": 1}) The local ensemble object can be used to manage the three types of ensembles: ``Decision Forests`` (bagging or random) and the ones using ``Boosted Trees``. Also, you can choose the storage directory or even avoid storing at all. The ``àpi`` connection object controls the storage strategy through the ``storage`` argument. .. code-block:: python from bigml.api import BigML from bigml.ensemble import Ensemble # api connection using a user-selected storage api = BigML(storage='./my_storage') # creating ensemble ensemble = api.create_ensemble('dataset/5143a51a37203f2cf7000972') # Ensemble object to predict ensemble = Ensemble(ensemble, api) ensemble.predict({"petal length": 3, "petal width": 1}, operating_kind="votes") In this example, we create a new ensemble and store its information in the ``./my_storage`` folder. Then this information is used to predict locally using the number of votes (one per model) backing each category. The ``operating_kind`` argument overrides the legacy ``method`` argument, which was previously used to define the combiner for the models predictions. Similarly, local ensembles can also be created by giving a list of models to be combined to issue the final prediction (note: only random decision forests and bagging ensembles can be built using this method): .. code-block:: python from bigml.ensemble import Ensemble ensemble = Ensemble(['model/50c0de043b563519830001c2', \ 'model/50c0de043b5635198300031b')] ensemble.predict({"petal length": 3, "petal width": 1}) or even a JSON file that contains the ensemble resource: .. code-block:: python from bigml.api import BigML api = BigML() api.export("ensemble/50c0de043b5635198300033c", "my_directory/my_ensemble.json") from bigml.ensemble import Ensemble local_ensemble = Ensemble("./my_directory/my_ensemble.json") Note: the ensemble JSON structure is not self-contained, meaning that it contains references to the models that the ensemble is build of, but not the information of the models themselves. To use an ensemble locally with no connection to the internet, you must make sure that not only a local copy of the ensemble JSON file is available in your computer, but also the JSON files corresponding to the models in it. The ``export`` method takes care of storing the information of every model in the ensemble and storing it in the same directory as the ensemble JSON file. The ``Ensemble`` class will also look up for the model files in the same directory when using a path to an ensemble file as argument. If you have no memory limitations you can create the ensemble from a list of local model objects. Then, local model objects will be always in memory and will only be instantiated once. This will increase performance for large ensembles: .. code-block:: python from bigml.model import Model model_ids = ['model/50c0de043b563519830001c2', \ 'model/50c0de043b5635198300031b'] local_models = [Model(model_id) for model_id in model_ids] local_ensemble = Ensemble(local_models) Local Ensemble caching ---------------------- Ensembles can become quite large objects and demand large memory resources. If your usual scenario is using many of them constantly in a disordered way, the best strategy is setting up a cache system to store them. The local ensemble class provides helpers to interact with that cache. Here's an example using ``Redis``. .. code-block:: python from ensemble import Ensemble import redis r = redis.Redis() # First build as you would any core Ensemble object: local_ensemble = Ensemble('ensemble/5126965515526876630001b2') # Store a serialized version in Redis ensemble.dump(cache_set=r.set) # (retrieve the external rep from its convenient place) # Speedy Build from external rep local_ensemble = Ensemble('ensemble/5126965515526876630001b2', \ cache_get=r.get) # Get scores same as always: local_ensemble.predict({"src_bytes": 350}) Local Ensemble's Predictions ---------------------------- As in the local model's case, you can use the local ensemble to create new predictions for your test data, and set some arguments to configure the final output of the ``predict`` method. The predictions' structure will vary depending on the kind of ensemble used. For ``Decision Forests`` local predictions will just contain the ensemble's final prediction if no other argument is used. .. code-block:: python from bigml.ensemble import Ensemble ensemble = Ensemble('ensemble/5143a51a37203f2cf7020351') ensemble.predict({"petal length": 3, "petal width": 1}) u'Iris-versicolor' The final prediction of an ensemble is determined by aggregating or selecting the predictions of the individual models therein. For classifications, the most probable class is returned if no especial operating method is set. Using ``full=True`` you can see both the predicted output and the associated probability: .. code-block:: python from bigml.ensemble import Ensemble ensemble = Ensemble('ensemble/5143a51a37203f2cf7020351') ensemble.predict({"petal length": 3, "petal width": 1}, \ full=True) {'prediction': u'Iris-versicolor', 'probability': 0.98566} In general, the prediction in a classification will be one amongst the list of categories in the objective field. When each model in the ensemble is used to predict, each category has a confidence, a probability or a vote associated to this prediction. Then, through the collection of models in the ensemble, each category gets an averaged confidence, probabiity and number of votes. Thus you can decide whether to operate the ensemble using the ``confidence``, the ``probability`` or the ``votes`` so that the predicted category is the one that scores higher in any of these quantities. The criteria can be set using the `operating_kind` option (default is set to ``probability``): .. code-block:: python ensemble.predict({"petal length": 3, "petal width": 1}, \ operating_kind="votes") Regression will generate a predictiona and an associated error, however ``Boosted Trees`` don't have an associated confidence measure, so only the prediction will be obtained in this case. For consistency of interface with the ``Model`` class, as well as between boosted and non-boosted ensembles, local Ensembles again have a ``predict_probability`` method. This takes the same optional arguments as ``Model.predict``: ``missing_strategy`` and ``compact``. As with local Models, if ``compact`` is ``False`` (the default), the output is a list of maps, each with the keys ``prediction`` and ``probability`` mapped to the class name and its associated probability. So, for example: .. code-block:: python ensemble.predict_probability({"petal length": 3, "petal width": 1}) [{'category': u'Iris-setosa', 'probability': 0.006733220044732548}, {'category': u'Iris-versicolor', 'probability': 0.9824478534614787}, {'category': u'Iris-virginica', 'probability': 0.0108189264937886}] If ``compact`` is ``True``, only the probabilities themselves are returned, as a list in class name order, again, as is the case with local Models. Operating point predictions are also available for local ensembles and an example of it would be: .. code-block:: python operating_point = {"kind": "probability", "positive_class": "True", "threshold": 0.8}; prediction = local_ensemble.predict(inputData, operating_point=operating_point) You can check the `Operating point's predictions <#operating-point's-predictions>`_ section to learn about operating points. For ensembles, three kinds of operating points are available: ``votes``, ``probability`` and ``confidence``. ``Votes`` will use as threshold the number of models in the ensemble that vote for the positive class. The other two are already explained in the above mentioned section. Local Ensemble Predictor ------------------------ Predictions can take longer when the ensemble is formed by a large number of models or when its models have a high number of nodes. In these cases, predictions' speed can be increased and memory usage minimized by using the ``EnsemblePredictor`` object. The basic example to build it is: .. code-block:: python from bigml.ensemblepredictor import EnsemblePredictor ensemble = EnsemblePredictor('ensemble/5143a51a37203f2cf7020351', "./model_fns_directory") ensemble.predict({"petal length": 3, "petal width": 1}, full=True) {'prediction': u'Iris-versicolor', 'confidence': 0.91519} This constructor has two compulsory attributes: then ensemble ID (or the corresponding API response) and the path to a directory that contains a file per each of the ensemble models. Each file stores the ``predict`` function needed to obtain the model's predictions. As in the ``Ensemble`` object, you can also add an ``api`` argument with the connection to be used to download the ensemble's JSON information. The functions stored in this directory are generated automatically the first time you instantiate the ensemble. Once they are generated, the functions are retrieved from the directory. Note that only last prediction missings strategy is available for these predictions and the combiners available are ``plurality``, ``confidence`` and ``distribution`` but no ``operating_kind`` or ``operating_point`` options are provided at present. Local Supervised Model ---------------------- There's a general class that will allow you to predict using any supervised model resource, regardless of its particular type (model, ensemble, logistic regression, linear regression or deepnet). The ``SupervisedModel`` object will retrieve the resource information and instantiate the corresponding local object, so that you can use its ``predict`` method to produce local predictions: .. code-block:: python from bigml.supervised import SupervisedModel local_supervised_1 = SupervisedModel( \ "logisticregression/5143a51a37203f2cf7020351") local_supervised_2 = SupervisedModel( \ "model/5143a51a37203f2cf7020351") input_data = {"petal length": 3, "petal width": 1} logistic_regression_prediction = local_supervised_1.predict(input_data) model_prediction = local_supervised_2.predict(input_data) Local BigML Model ----------------- Following the approach of the local SupervisedModel class, the ``LocalModel`` class will allow you to predict using any BigML model resource, either supervised or unsupervised. This class provides two methods: ``predict`` and ``batch_predict`` with total abstraction as to the result of the predictions (real predictions, centroids, anomaly scores, etc.), their parameters and the format of the prediction result. The ``predict`` method can be used on any type of model and delegates to the specific method of each local model class. Therefore, it will be the programmers responsibility to provide only the parameters accepted in the low level method and the response will be a dictionary whose contents will vary depending on the type of prediction. Similarly, the ``batch_predict`` method accepts a list of inputs and adds the prediction information to each element of the list. The ``LocalModel`` object will retrieve the resource information and instantiate the corresponding local object, so that you can use its ``predict`` method to produce local predictions: .. code-block:: python from bigml.local_model import LocalModel local_model_1 = LocalModel( \ "logisticregression/5143a51a37203f2cf7020351") local_model_2 = LocalModel( \ "anomaly/5143a51a37203f2cf7020351") input_data = {"petal length": 3, "petal width": 1} logistic_regression_prediction = local_model_1.predict(input_data) # {"prediction": "Iris-setosa", "probability": 0.56} anomaly_prediction = local_model_2.predict(input_data) # {"score": 0.84} Local Pipelines --------------- More often than not, the Machine Learning solution to a problem entails using data transformations and different models that produce some predictions or scores. They all are useful information that contributes to the final Machine Learning based decision. Usually, the training workflow becomes a sequence of functions, each of which adds new fields to our data: engineered features, scores, predictions, etc. Of course, once the training sequence is determined, the same steps will need to be reproduced to create batch predictions for a new list of test input data rows. The ``BMLPipeline`` class offers the tools to extract that sequence from the existing BigML objects and create the prediction pipeline. The first obvious goal that we may have is reproducing the same feature extraction and transformations that were used when training our data to create our model. That is achieved by using a ``BMLPipeline`` object built on the training dataset. .. code-block:: python from bigml.pipeline.pipeline import BMLPipeline local_pipeline = BMLPipeline("my transformations pipeline", ["dataset/5143a55637203f2cf7020351"]) Starting from ``dataset/5143a55637203f2cf7020351`` and tracing the previous datasets up till the original source built from our data, the pipeline will store all the steps that were done to transform it. Maybe some year, month and day new features were automatically extracted from our date-time fields, or even the features corresponding to the histogram of gradients were obtained from an image field (if your dataset had one of those). Also, if transformations were defined using ``Flatline`` to generate new fields, they will be detected and stored as a transformation step. They are all retrieved and ready to be applied to a list of dictionaries representing your rows information using the ``.transform`` method. .. code-block:: python local_pipeline.transform([{"plasma glucose": 130, "bmi":3}, {"age":26, "plasma glucose": 70}]) As a more powerful example, let's think about an entire workflow where models have been built on a dataset adding a new field with a simple feature engineering transformation, like the ratio of two fields. Suppose a model has been created from the new dataset. Also, an anomaly detector has been created from the same dataset to check whether the new input data is too different from the original examples used to train the model. If the score is low, the model is still valid, so we accept its prediction. If the score is too high, the model predictions might be inaccurate, and we should not rely on them. Therefore, in order to take a decision on what to do for new input data, we will need not only the values of the fields of that new test case but also the prediction (plus the associated probability) and anomaly score that the trained model and anomaly detector provide for it. To solve the problem, the process will be: on receving new data, the transformation to generate the ratio between the raw input fields should be applied and a new ``ratio`` field should be added. After that, both the prediction and the anomaly score should be computed and they also should be added to the initial data as new fields. The ``BMLPipeline`` class will help us do that. First, we instantiate the ``BMLPipeline`` object by providing the models that we want it to use and a name for it: .. code-block:: python from bigml.pipeline.pipeline import BMLPipeline local_pipeline = BMLPipeline("my new pipeline", ["model/5143a51a37203f2cf7020351", "anomaly/5143a51a37203f2cf7027551"]) This code will retrieve all the datasets previous to the model and anomaly detector construction and will store any transformation that they contain. It creates a sequence starting on the first dataset that was created to summarize the uploaded data, adding the datasets that store transformations, and finally the model and anomaly detector. Every transformation that was done when training those models, will be reflected as a new step in the ``BMLPipeline`` and every model that was added to the list will also be added as an additional transformation step: the model will transform our data by adding its prediction and associated probability and the anomaly detector will transform the input by adding the computed anomaly score. The result is obtained using the ``BMLPipeline`` object, that offers a ``.transform`` method which accepts a list of input data dictionaries or a DataFrame. For every row, it will execute the stored transformations and generate the model's prediction and the anomaly's score. All of them will be added to the original input data. .. code-block:: python local_pipeline.transform([{"plasma glucose": 130, "bmi":3}, {"age":26, "plasma glucose": 70}]) """That could produce a result such as [{"plasma glucose": 130, "bmi":3, "prediction": "True", "probability": 0.578, "score": 0.753}, {"age": 26, "plasma glucose": 70, "prediction": "False", "probability": 0.573, "score": 0.54}] """ As for the rest of local resources, you can pass additional arguments to define the API connection info and/or a ``cache_get`` function to be used when resources are stored in memory caches. .. code-block:: python from bigml.pipeline.pipeline import BMLPipeline local_pipeline = BMLPipeline("my new pipeline", ["model/5143a51a37203f2cf7020351", "anomaly/5143a51a37203f2cf7027551"], api=BigML("my user", "my api", storage="my_storage")) If no API connection is passed, or if the one given has no ``api.storage`` value, we use the default ``./storage`` directory followed by the name of the pipeline as storage folder for the JSON of the resources used in the pipeline. In this case, four resources will be stored: the dataset created from the uploaded data, the dataset generated when we added the ratio field, the model and the anomaly detector. The ``BMLPipeline`` object offers an ``.export`` method that can compress the entire directory to a ``.zip`` file whose name is the name of the ``BMLPipeline`` (conveniently encoded) and will be placed in the ``output_directory`` given by the user: .. code-block:: python from bigml.pipeline.pipeline import BMLPipeline local_pipeline = BMLPipeline("my new pipeline", ["model/5143a51a37203f2cf7020351", "anomaly/5143a51a37203f2cf7027551"] api=BigML("my user", "my api", storage="my_storage")) local_pipeline.export(output_directory="my_export_dir") In this example, we wil find a ``my_export_dir/my_new_pipeline.zip`` file in the current directory. The file contains a ``my new pipeline`` folder where the four JSONs for the two datasets and two models are stored. The ``BMLPipeline`` provides also methods to ``dump`` and ``load`` the data transformers it contains, in order to save them in a cache or in the file system. As an example, we can create a ``BMLPipeline``, dump its contents to a file system folder and build a second pipeline from them. The name of the pipeline will be used as reference to know which object to load. .. code-block:: python from bigml.pipeline.pipeline import BMLPipeline local_pipeline = BMLPipeline("pipeline1", "model/5143a51a37203f2cf7020351") local_pipeline.dump("./pipeline1_storage") # the `pipeline1_storage` folder is created and all the objects # used in the pipeline are stored there, one file each new_pipeline = BMLPipeline.load("pipeline1", "./pipeline1_storage") # a new pipeline has been built with the same properties and steps # that local_pipeline had If using a cache system, the same methods described in the `local caching<#local-caching>`_ section are available. .. code-block:: python from bigml.pipeline.pipeline import BMLPipeline local_pipeline = BMLPipeline("pipeline1", "model/631a6a6f8f679a2d31000445") import redis r = redis.Redis() local_pipeline.dump(cache_set=r.set) new_pipeline = BMLPipeline("pipeline1", cache_get=r.get) # the new_pipeline has been recovered from Redis Sometimes, one may want to aggregate pre-existing transformations on your original data before loading it to BigML. In that case, you can use the more general ``Pipeline`` class to store any sequence of transformations made outside of BigML. As both ``Pipeline`` and ``BMLPipeline`` offer the ``.transform`` method, they are also data transformers, meaning that they can be used as steps of a more general ``Pipeline`` as well. Thus, combining pre-existing transformations based on scikit-learn or Pandas with the transformations and models generated in BigML is totally possible. For that, we will use the ``SKDataTransformer`` and ``DFDataTransformer`` classes, which provide a ``.transform`` method too. As an example of use, we'll create a ``Pipeline`` based on a existing scikit pipeline. .. code-block:: python import pandas as pd from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeClassifier from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline as SKPipeline # Building a prediction pipeline using a scikit learn # scaler and decision tree and adding the prediction # to the initial dataframe from bigml.pipeline.transformer import Pipeline, SKDataTransformer from bigml.constants import OUT_NEW_HEADERS # pre-existing code to build the scikit pipeline df = pd.read_csv("data/diabetes.csv") X = df.drop('diabetes', axis=1) y = df['diabetes'] X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, random_state=0) pipe = SKPipeline([('scaler', StandardScaler()), ('DTC', DecisionTreeClassifier())]) pipe.fit(X_train, y_train) # end of pre-existing code pipeline = Pipeline( "skpipeline", # pipeline name steps=[SKDataTransformer(pipe, "skDTC", output={OUT_NEW_HEADERS: ["sk_prediction"]})]) # the `pipe` scikit pipeline is wrapped as a SKDataTransformer to offer # a `.transform` method pipeline.transform(X_test) This new pipeline can be combined with a ``BMLPipeline`` and will accumulate the insights of both. .. code-block:: python from bigml.pipeline import BMLPipeline bml_pipeline = BMLPipeline("bml_pipeline", "anomaly/631a6a6f8f679a2d31000445") extended_pipeline = Pipeline("extended", steps=[pipeline, bml_pipeline]) extended_pipeline.transform([{"plasma glucose": 80}]) The same can be done for a Pandas' pipe sequence .. code-block:: python # based on https://www.kdnuggets.com/2021/01/cleaner-data-analysis-pandas-pipes.html import pandas as pd import numpy as np from bigml.pipeline.transformer import DFDataTransformer, Pipeline marketing = pd.read_csv("./data/DirectMarketing.csv") # code to define the transformations def drop_missing(df): thresh = len(df) * 0.6 df.dropna(axis=1, thresh=thresh, inplace=True) return df def remove_outliers(df, column_name): low = np.quantile(df[column_name], 0.05) high = np.quantile(df[column_name], 0.95) return df[df[column_name].between(low, high, inclusive=True)] def copy_df(df): return df.copy() pipeline = Pipeline("pandas_pipeline", steps=[DFDataTransformer([copy_df, drop_missing, (remove_outliers, ['Salary'])])]) # the list of functions are wrapped as a DFDataTransformer to offer # a `.transform` method that generates the output using Pandas' `.pipe` marketing_clean = pipeline.transform(marketing) where again, the pipeline could be combined with any ``BMLPipeline`` to produce a more general transformation sequence. Of course, new classes could be built to support other transformation tools and libraries. A new data transformer can be created by deriving the ``DataTransformer`` class and customizing its ``.data_transform`` method to cover the particulars of the functions to be used in the generation of new fields. Local Evaluations ----------------- You can instantiate a local version of an evaluation that will contain the main evaluation metrics. .. code-block:: python from bigml.evaluation import Evaluation local_evaluation = Evaluation('evaluation/502fdbff15526876610003215') This will retrieve the remote evaluation information, using an implicitly built ``BigML()`` connection object (see the `Authentication <#authentication>`_ section for more details on how to set your credentials) and return a Dataset object that will be stored in the ``./storage`` directory. If you want to use a specific connection object for the remote retrieval or a different storage directory, you can set it as second parameter: .. code-block:: python from bigml.evaluation import Evaluation from bigml.api import BigML local_evaluation = Evaluation('evaluation/502fdbff15526876610003215', api=BigML(my_username, my_api_key, storage="my_storage")) or even use the remote evaluation information previously retrieved to build the local evaluation object: .. code-block:: python from bigml.evaluation import Evaluation from bigml.api import BigML api = BigML() evaluation = api.get_evaluation('evaluation/502fdbff15526876610003215') local_evaluation = Evaluation(evaluation) You can also build a local evaluation from a previously retrieved and stored evaluation JSON file: .. code-block:: python from bigml.evaluation import Evaluation local_evaluation = Evaluation('./my_dataset.json') The Evaluation attributes depend on whether it belongs to a regression or a classification. Regression evaluations will contain ``r_square``, ``mean_absolute_error``, ``mean_squared_error``. Classification evaluations will contain ``accuracy``, ``precision``, ``recall``, ``phi`` and ``f_measure`` besides the ``confusion_matrix`` and a ``-full`` attribute that will contain the entire set of metrics as downloaded from the API. .. code-block:: python from bigml.evaluation import Evaluation local_evaluation = Evaluation('evaluation/502fdbff15526876610003215') local_evaluation.full # entire model evaluation metrics if local_evaluation.regression: local_evaluation.r_squared # r-squared metric value else: local_evaluation.confusion_matrix # confusion matrix local_evaluation.accuracy Local batch predictions ----------------------- As explained in the ``101s`` provided in the `Quick Start `_ section, batch predictions for a list of inputs can be obtained by iterating the single predictions discussed in each different local model. However, we've also provided a homogeneous ``batch_predict`` method in the following local objects: - SupervisedModel - Anomaly - Cluster - PCA - TopicModel which can receive the following parameters: - **input_data_list**: This can be a list of input data, expressed as a dictionary containing ``field_name: field_value`` pairs or a Pandas' DataFrame - **outputs**: That's a dictionary that can contain ``output_fields`` and/or ``output_headers`` information. Each one is defined by default as the list of prediction keys to be added to the inputs and the list of headers to be used as keys in the output. E.g., for a supervised learning model, the default if no information is provided would be equivalent to ``{"output_fields": ["prediction", "probability"], "output_headers": ["prediction", "probability"]}`` and both the prediction and the associated probability would be added to the input data. - **\*\*kwargs**: Any other parameters allowed in the ``.predict`` method could be added to the batch prediction too. For instance, we could add the operating kind to a supervised model batch prediction using ``operating_kind=probability`` as argument. Let's write some examples. If we are reading data from a CSV, we can use the ``csv`` library and pass the list of inputs as an array to an anomaly detector. .. code-block:: python import csv from bigml.anomaly import Anomaly input_data_list = [] with open("my_input_data.csv") as handler: reader = csv.DictReader(handler) for row_dict in reader: input_data_list.append(row_dict) local_anomaly = Anomaly("anomaly/5143a51a37203f2cf7027551") scored_data_list = local_anomaly.batch_predict(input_data_list) Or if we are using a Pandas' ``DataFrame`` instead to read the data, we could also use the DataFrame directly as input argument: .. code-block:: python import pandas as pd from bigml.anomaly import Anomaly dataframe = pd.read_csv("my_input_data.csv") local_anomaly = Anomaly("anomaly/5143a51a37203f2cf7027551") scored_dataframe = local_anomaly.batch_predict(dataframe) Now, let's add some complexity and do use a supervised model. We'd like to add both the predicted value and the associated probability but we'd like to use an ``operating point`` when predicting. The operating point needs specifying a positive class, the kind of metric to compare (probabily or confidence) and the threshold to use. We also want the prediction to be added to the input data using the key ``sm_prediction``. In this case, the code would be similar to .. code-block:: python import pandas as pd from bigml.supervised import SupervisedModel dataframe = pd.read_csv("my_input_data.csv") local_supervised = SupervisedModel("ensemble/5143a51a37203f2cf7027551") operating_point = {"positive_class": "yes", "kind": "probability", "threshold": 0.7} predicted_dataframe = local_supervised.batch_predict( dataframe, outputs={"output_headers": ["sm_prediction", "probability"]}, operating_point=operating_point) and the result would be like the one below: .. code-block:: python >>>predicted_dataframe pregnancies plasma glucose ... sm_prediction probability 0 6 148 ... true 0.95917 1 1 85 ... false 0.99538 2 8 183 ... true 0.93701 3 1 89 ... false 0.99452 4 0 137 ... true 0.90622 .. ... ... ... ... ... 195 1 117 ... false 0.90906 196 5 123 ... false 0.97179 197 2 120 ... false 0.99300 198 1 106 ... false 0.99452 199 2 155 ... false 0.51737 [200 rows x 11 columns] Local Shap Wrapper ------------------ The Shap library accepts customized predict functions as long as they provide a particular input/output interface that uses numpy arrays. The previously described local models can be used to generate such an predict funcion. The ``ShapWrapper`` class has been created to help users connect the Shap library to BigML supervised models and provides the ``.predict`` and ``.predict_proba`` functions especially built to be used with that libary. .. code-block:: python from bigml.shapwrapper import ShapWrapper shap_wrapper = ShapWrapper("model/5143a51a37203f2cf7027551") # computing the Explainer on the X_test numpy array explainer = shap.Explainer(shap_wrapper.predict, X_test, algorithm='partition', feature_names=shap_wrapper.x_headers) shap_values = explainer(X_test) Local predictions with shared models ------------------------------------ BigML's resources are private to the owner of the account where they were created. However, owners can decide to share their resources with other BigML users by creating `Secret links `_ to them. The users that receive the link, will be able to inspect the resource and can also download them. This is specially important in the case of models, as they will be able to generate local predictions from them. The ``Secret link`` URLs leading to shared resources end in a shared ID (starting with the string ``shared/`` followed by the type of resource and the particular sharing key). In order to use them locally, use this string as first argument for the local model constructor. For instance, let's say that someone shares with you the link to a shared ensemble ``https://bigml.com/shared/ensemble/qbXem5XoEiVKcq8MPmwjHnXunFj``. You could use that in local predictions by instantiating the corresponding ``Ensemble`` object. .. code-block:: python from bigml.ensemble import Ensemble local_ensemble = Ensemble("shared/ensemble/qbXem5XoEiVKcq8MPmwjHnXunFj") And the new ``local_ensemble`` would be ready to predict using the ``.predict`` method, as discussed in the `Local Ensembles <#Local-Ensembles>`_ section. Local caching ------------- All local models can use an external cache system to manage memory storage and recovery. The ``get`` and ``set`` functions of the cache manager should be passed to the constructor or ``dump`` function. Here's an example on how to cache a linear regression: .. code-block:: python from bigml.linear import LinearRegression lm = LinearRegression("linearregression/5e827ff85299630d22007198") lm.predict({"petal length": 4, "sepal length":4, "petal width": 4, \ "sepal width": 4, "species": "Iris-setosa"}, full=True) import redis r = redis.Redis() # First build as you would any core LinearRegression object: # Store a serialized version in Redis lm.dump(cache_set=r.set) # (retrieve the external rep from its convenient place) # Speedy Build from external rep lm = LinearRegression("linearregression/5e827ff85299630d22007198", \ cache_get=r.get) # Get predictions same as always: lm.predict({"petal length": 4, "sepal length":4, "petal width": 4, \ "sepal width": 4, "species": "Iris-setosa"}, full=True) Rule Generation --------------- You can also use a local model to generate a IF-THEN rule set that can be very helpful to understand how the model works internally. .. code-block:: python local_model.rules() IF petal_length > 2.45 AND IF petal_width > 1.65 AND IF petal_length > 5.05 THEN species = Iris-virginica IF petal_length <= 5.05 AND IF sepal_width > 2.9 AND IF sepal_length > 5.95 AND IF petal_length > 4.95 THEN species = Iris-versicolor IF petal_length <= 4.95 THEN species = Iris-virginica IF sepal_length <= 5.95 THEN species = Iris-versicolor IF sepal_width <= 2.9 THEN species = Iris-virginica IF petal_width <= 1.65 AND IF petal_length > 4.95 AND IF sepal_length > 6.05 THEN species = Iris-virginica IF sepal_length <= 6.05 AND IF sepal_width > 2.45 THEN species = Iris-versicolor IF sepal_width <= 2.45 THEN species = Iris-virginica IF petal_length <= 4.95 THEN species = Iris-versicolor IF petal_length <= 2.45 THEN species = Iris-setosa Python, Tableau and Hadoop-ready Generation ------------------------------------------- If you prefer, you can also generate a Python function that implements the model and that can be useful to make the model actionable right away with ``local_model.python()``. .. code-block:: python local_model.python() def predict_species(sepal_length=None, sepal_width=None, petal_length=None, petal_width=None): """ Predictor for species from model/50a8e2d9eabcb404d2000293 Predictive model by BigML - Machine Learning Made Easy """ if (petal_length is None): return 'Iris-virginica' if (petal_length <= 2.45): return 'Iris-setosa' if (petal_length > 2.45): if (petal_width is None): return 'Iris-virginica' if (petal_width <= 1.65): if (petal_length <= 4.95): return 'Iris-versicolor' if (petal_length > 4.95): if (sepal_length is None): return 'Iris-virginica' if (sepal_length <= 6.05): if (petal_width <= 1.55): return 'Iris-virginica' if (petal_width > 1.55): return 'Iris-versicolor' if (sepal_length > 6.05): return 'Iris-virginica' if (petal_width > 1.65): if (petal_length <= 5.05): if (sepal_width is None): return 'Iris-virginica' if (sepal_width <= 2.9): return 'Iris-virginica' if (sepal_width > 2.9): if (sepal_length is None): return 'Iris-virginica' if (sepal_length <= 6.4): if (sepal_length <= 5.95): return 'Iris-versicolor' if (sepal_length > 5.95): return 'Iris-virginica' if (sepal_length > 6.4): return 'Iris-versicolor' if (petal_length > 5.05): return 'Iris-virginica' The ``local.python(hadoop=True)`` call will generate the code that you need for the Hadoop map-reduce engine to produce batch predictions using `Hadoop streaming `_ . Saving the mapper and reducer generated functions in their corresponding files (let's say ``/home/hduser/hadoop_mapper.py`` and ``/home/hduser/hadoop_reducer.py``) you can start a Hadoop job to generate predictions by issuing the following Hadoop command in your system console: .. code-block:: bash bin/hadoop jar contrib/streaming/hadoop-*streaming*.jar \ -file /home/hduser/hadoop_mapper.py -mapper hadoop_mapper.py \ -file /home/hduser/hadoop_reducer.py -reducer hadoop_reducer.py \ -input /home/hduser/hadoop/input.csv \ -output /home/hduser/hadoop/output_dir assuming you are in the Hadoop home directory, your input file is in the corresponding dfs directory (``/home/hduser/hadoop/input.csv`` in this example) and the output will be placed at ``/home/hduser/hadoop/output_dir`` (inside the dfs directory). Tableau-ready rules are also available through ``local_model.tableau()`` for all the models except those that use text predictors. .. code-block:: python local_model.tableau() IF ISNULL([petal width]) THEN 'Iris-virginica' ELSEIF [petal width]>0.8 AND [petal width]>1.75 AND ISNULL([petal length]) THEN 'Iris-virginica' ELSEIF [petal width]>0.8 AND [petal width]>1.75 AND [petal length]>4.85 THEN 'Iris-virginica' ELSEIF [petal width]>0.8 AND [petal width]>1.75 AND [petal length]<=4.85 AND ISNULL([sepal width]) THEN 'Iris-virginica' ELSEIF [petal width]>0.8 AND [petal width]>1.75 AND [petal length]<=4.85 AND [sepal width]>3.1 THEN 'Iris-versicolor' ELSEIF [petal width]>0.8 AND [petal width]>1.75 AND [petal length]<=4.85 AND [sepal width]<=3.1 THEN 'Iris-virginica' ELSEIF [petal width]>0.8 AND [petal width]<=1.75 AND ISNULL([petal length]) THEN 'Iris-versicolor' ELSEIF [petal width]>0.8 AND [petal width]<=1.75 AND [petal length]>4.95 AND [petal width]>1.55 AND [petal length]>5.45 THEN 'Iris-virginica' ELSEIF [petal width]>0.8 AND [petal width]<=1.75 AND [petal length]>4.95 AND [petal width]>1.55 AND [petal length]<=5.45 THEN 'Iris-versicolor' ELSEIF [petal width]>0.8 AND [petal width]<=1.75 AND [petal length]>4.95 AND [petal width]<=1.55 THEN 'Iris-virginica' ELSEIF [petal width]>0.8 AND [petal width]<=1.75 AND [petal length]<=4.95 AND [petal width]>1.65 THEN 'Iris-virginica' ELSEIF [petal width]>0.8 AND [petal width]<=1.75 AND [petal length]<=4.95 AND [petal width]<=1.65 THEN 'Iris-versicolor' ELSEIF [petal width]<=0.8 THEN 'Iris-setosa' END Summary generation ------------------ You can also print the model from the point of view of the classes it predicts with ``local_model.summarize()``. It shows a header section with the training data initial distribution per class (instances and percentage) and the final predicted distribution per class. Then each class distribution is detailed. First a header section shows the percentage of the total data that belongs to the class (in the training set and in the predicted results) and the rules applicable to all the the instances of that class (if any). Just after that, a detail section shows each of the leaves in which the class members are distributed. They are sorted in descending order by the percentage of predictions of the class that fall into that leaf and also show the full rule chain that leads to it. :: Data distribution: Iris-setosa: 33.33% (50 instances) Iris-versicolor: 33.33% (50 instances) Iris-virginica: 33.33% (50 instances) Predicted distribution: Iris-setosa: 33.33% (50 instances) Iris-versicolor: 33.33% (50 instances) Iris-virginica: 33.33% (50 instances) Field importance: 1. petal length: 53.16% 2. petal width: 46.33% 3. sepal length: 0.51% 4. sepal width: 0.00% Iris-setosa : (data 33.33% / prediction 33.33%) petal length <= 2.45 · 100.00%: petal length <= 2.45 [Confidence: 92.86%] Iris-versicolor : (data 33.33% / prediction 33.33%) petal length > 2.45 · 94.00%: petal length > 2.45 and petal width <= 1.65 and petal length <= 4.95 [Confidence: 92.44%] · 2.00%: petal length > 2.45 and petal width <= 1.65 and petal length > 4.95 and sepal length <= 6.05 and petal width > 1.55 [Confidence: 20.65%] · 2.00%: petal length > 2.45 and petal width > 1.65 and petal length <= 5.05 and sepal width > 2.9 and sepal length > 6.4 [Confidence: 20.65%] · 2.00%: petal length > 2.45 and petal width > 1.65 and petal length <= 5.05 and sepal width > 2.9 and sepal length <= 6.4 and sepal length <= 5.95 [Confidence: 20.65%] Iris-virginica : (data 33.33% / prediction 33.33%) petal length > 2.45 · 76.00%: petal length > 2.45 and petal width > 1.65 and petal length > 5.05 [Confidence: 90.82%] · 12.00%: petal length > 2.45 and petal width > 1.65 and petal length <= 5.05 and sepal width <= 2.9 [Confidence: 60.97%] · 6.00%: petal length > 2.45 and petal width <= 1.65 and petal length > 4.95 and sepal length > 6.05 [Confidence: 43.85%] · 4.00%: petal length > 2.45 and petal width > 1.65 and petal length <= 5.05 and sepal width > 2.9 and sepal length <= 6.4 and sepal length > 5.95 [Confidence: 34.24%] · 2.00%: petal length > 2.45 and petal width <= 1.65 and petal length > 4.95 and sepal length <= 6.05 and petal width <= 1.55 [Confidence: 20.65%] You can also use ``local_model.get_data_distribution()`` and ``local_model.get_prediction_distribution()`` to obtain the training and prediction basic distribution information as a list (suitable to draw histograms or any further processing). The tree nodes' information (prediction, confidence, impurity and distribution) can also be retrieved in a CSV format using the method ``local_model.tree_CSV()``. The output can be sent to a file by providing a ``file_name`` argument or used as a list. Local ensembles have a ``local_ensemble.summarize()`` method too, the output in this case shows only the data distribution (only available in ``Decision Forests``) and field importance sections. For local clusters, the ``local_cluster.summarize()`` method prints also the data distribution, the training data statistics per cluster and the basic intercentroid distance statistics. There's also a ``local_cluster.statistics_CSV(file_name)`` method that store in a CSV format the values shown by the ``summarize()`` method. If no file name is provided, the function returns the rows that would have been stored in the file as a list.