.. toctree:: :hidden: BigML Bindings: 101 - Using a Logistic Regression ================================================= Following the schema described in the `prediction workflow `_, document, this is the code snippet that shows the minimal workflow to create a logistic regression model and produce a single prediction. .. code-block:: python from bigml.api import BigML # step 0: creating a connection to the service (default credentials) api = BigML() # step 1: creating a source from the data in your local "data/iris.csv" file source = api.create_source("data/iris.csv") # waiting for the source to be finished. Results will be stored in `source` api.ok(source) # step 3: creating a dataset from the previously created `source` dataset = api.create_dataset(source) # waiting for the dataset to be finished api.ok(dataset) # step 5: creating a logistic regression logistic_regression = api.create_logistic_regression(dataset) # waiting for the logistic regression to be finished api.ok(logistic_regression) # the new input data to predict for input_data = {"petal length": 4, "sepal length": 2} # creating a single prediction prediction = api.create_prediction(logistic_regression, input_data) In the previous code, the `api.ok `_ method is used to wait for the resource to be finished before calling the next create method or accessing the resource properties. In the first case, we could skip that `api.ok`call because the next `create` method would internally do the waiting when needed. If you want to create predictions for many new inputs, you can do so by creating a `batch_prediction` resource. First, you will need to upload to the platform all the input data that you want to predict for and create the corresponding `source` and `dataset` resources. In the example, we'll be assuming you already created a `logistic regression` following the steps 0 to 5 in the previous snippet. .. code-block:: python # step 6: creating a source from the data in your local "data/test_iris.csv" file test_source = api.create_source("data/test_iris.csv") # waiting for the source to be finished. Results will be stored in `source` api.ok(test_source) # step 8: creating a dataset from the previously created `source` test_dataset = api.create_dataset(test_source) # waiting for the dataset to be finished api.ok(test_dataset) # step 10: creating a batch prediction batch_prediction = api.create_batch_prediction(logistic_regression, test_dataset) # waiting for the batch_prediction to be finished api.ok(batch_prediction) # downloading the results to your computer api.download_batch_prediction(batch_prediction, filename='my_dir/my_predictions.csv') The batch prediction output (as well as any of the resources created) can be configured using additional arguments in the corresponding create calls. For instance, to include all the information in the original dataset in the output you would change `step 10` to: .. code-block:: python batch_prediction = api.create_batch_prediction(logistic_regression, test_dataset, {"all_fields": True}) Check the `API documentation `_ to learn about the available configuration options for any BigML resource. You can also predict locally using the `LogisticRegression` class in the `logistic` module. A simple example of that is: .. code-block:: python from bigml.logistic import LogisticRegression local_logistic_regression = LogisticRegression( \ "logisticregression/5968ec46983efc21b000001b") # predicting for some input data local_logistic_regression.predict({"petal length": 4, "sepal length": 2, "petal width": 1, "sepal witdh": 3}) Or you could store first your logistic regression information in a file and use that file to create the local `LogisticRegression` object: .. code-block:: python # downloading the logistic regression JSON to a local file from bigml.api import BigML api = BigML() api.export("logisticregression/5968ec46983efc21b000001b", filename="my_logistic_regression.json") # creating the logistic regression from the file from bigml.logistic import LogisticRegression local_logistic_regression = LogisticRegression( \ "my_logistic_regression.json") # predicting for some input data local_logistic_regression.predict({"petal length": 4, "sepal length": 2, "petal width": 1, "sepal witdh": 3}) And if you want to predict locally for all the rows in a CSV file (first line should contain the field headers): .. code-block:: python import csv from bigml.logistic import LogisticRegression local_logistic_regression = LogisticRegression( \ "logisticregression/5a414c667811dd5057000ab5") with open("test_data.csv") as test_handler: reader = csv.DictReader(test_handler) for input_data in reader: # predicting for all rows print local_logistic_regression.predict(input_data) Every modeling resource in BigML has its corresponding local class. Check the `Local resources `_ section of the documentation to learn more about them.